Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in being a sponsor for Valley TechCon.24, please contact Peirce Macgill at peirce.macgill@harrisonburgva.gov or at (540) 432-7701.
$5,000 Platinum Sponsor (1 sponsor) TAKEN
- Lunch Sponsor
- Sponsor has a 3-5 minutes speaking opportunity in the ballroom before the breakfast keynote
- Complimentary exhibit table
- Five (5) complimentary conference attendance tickets
- Company logo on main ballroom video screens
- Company logo on table tents (along with gold sponsor) of main ballroom roundtables during breakfast and lunch
- Access to attendee email addresses 3 weeks prior to the conference
- Additional Company Recognition
- Full page advertisement in conference printed program. Only the platinum sponsor receives a full page.
- Company sponsorship featured on Valley TechCon website with 300 word company description and link to company’s website
- Company promotion on social media
- Company logo on posters/easels in the main ballroom during the entire conference
- Sponsorship ribbon on name tag(s) of company employees in attendance
- Logo included in attendee acquisition and update emails
- Mention in post-event thank you email to attendees and speakers
$3,500 Gold Sponsor (1 sponsor) TAKEN
- Sponsor your choice of either the Two Breakout Rooms or Registration Table & Coffee Station
- Both include:
- Complimentary exhibit table (only 7 exhibit tables are available)
- Three (3) complimentary conference attendance tickets
- Speaking opportunity: 2-3 minutes speaking opportunity before ballroom lunch
- Company logo on table tents (along with platinum sponsor) of ballroom roundtables during breakfast and lunch
- Company logo on main ballroom video screens
- Access to attendee email addresses 1 week prior to the conference
- For the Two Breakout Rooms Sponsor: Name on the room signs for Breakout Rooms A/B, and C
- For the Registration Table/Coffee Service Sponsor: Company logo on Welcome Sign at the conference registration table and table tents at the coffee stations
- Both include:
- Additional Company Recognition
- Company sponsorship featured on Valley TechCon website 250 word company description and link to company’s website
- Company promotion on social media
- Company logo on posters/easels in the main ballroom during the entire conference
- 3/4 page advertisement in conference printed program. Only gold sponsors receive a 3/4 page ad.
- Sponsorship ribbon on name tag(s) of company employees in attendance
- Company name included in attendee acquisition and update emails
- Company name in the post-event thank you email to attendees and speakers
$2,500 Silver Sponsor – 3 sponsors (1 remaining)
- Breakfast (TAKEN), Conference Program (TAKEN) or Audio/Video Sponsor
- Two (2) complimentary conference attendance ticket
- Company logo on main ballroom video screens
- For A/V sponsor:
- Call-out as the A/V sponsor during the breakfast and lunch welcome
- For Breakfast sponsor (TAKEN):
- Company logo on table tents on the food stations during breakfast
- Additional Company Recognition
- Company sponsorship featured on Valley TechCon website 200 word company description and link to company’s website
- Company logo on posters/easels in the main ballroom during the entire conference
- One-half page advertisement in conference printed program. Only silver sponsors receive a half page advertisement
- Sponsorship ribbon on name tag(s) of company employees in attendance
- Company name in the post-event thank you email to attendees and speakers
$1,000 Bronze Sponsor (3 sponsors ) TAKEN
- One (1) complimentary conference attendance ticket
- Company logo on main ballroom video screens
- Company logo on posters/easels in the main ballroom during the entire conference
- Additional Company Recognition
- Company sponsorship featured on Valley TechCon website
- 1/4 quarter page advertisement in conference printed program
- Sponsorship ribbon on name tag(s) of company employees in attendance
- Mention in post-event thank you email to attendees and speakers
$500 Exhibit Table (7 tables total)
- One table in the common hallway (where coffee service will be set up) during entire conference
- 6 x 2.5 foot table with black spandex skirt
- Chair, electrical outlets, and high speed Wi-Fi provided
- Opportunity for a company to advertise services and recruit potential employees
$100 Printed Valley TechCon Program Ad
- 3 ½” x 3 ½” advertisement (limit two per company)